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8 Reasons Why We Won’t See Home Prices Dropping Anytime Soon

If you’re looking forward to home prices dropping in the near future, you may want to read this. Our CEO, founder, and principal broker Harout Keuroghlian recently made clear his belief that we’re not going to be seeing home prices reduced by much, if any, in the foreseeable future. And when Harout has a “belief”, you can count on it being more of an educated guess. His ...

  • calendar_month April 5, 2023
Putting Down the Los Feliz Murder House

For being such a gorgeous, in-demand neighborhood, Los Feliz sure has its shadows. We examined the Sowden House, rumored to be the actual site of the notorious Black Dahlia murders. We explored the ancient curse allegedly levied against Griffith Park. But we’ve yet to discuss the Los Feliz murder house. We know what you’re thinking: “The Sowden House isn’t the ...

  • calendar_month April 6, 2023